
Semester Course Role Institution
Spring 2017 (February - May) 18.418: Topics in Computational Molecular Biology Teaching Assistant to Prof. Bonnie Berger MIT

Spring 2012 (May - August)

CSE 409: Computer Graphics Lecturer BUET
Spring 2012 (May - August) CSE 410: Computer Graphics Sessional Lecturer BUET
Spring 2012 (May - August) CSE 462: Algorithm Engineering Sessional Lecturer BUET
Spring 2012 (May - August) CSE 464: Computational Geometry Sessional Lecturer BUET
Spring 2012 (May - August) CSE 472: Machine Learning Lecturer BUET
Fall 2011 (September - April) CSE 201: Object Oriented Programming Language Lecturer BUET
Fall 2011 (September - April) CSE 202: Object Oriented Programming Language Sessional Lecturer BUET
Fall 2011 (September - April) CSE 310: Compiler Sessional Lecturer BUET
Fall 2011 (September - April) CSE 410: Computer Graphics Sessional Lecturer BUET
Fall 2011 (September - April) CSE 464: Computational Geometry Sessional Lecturer BUET
Fall 2011 (September - April) CSE 472: Machine Learning Sessional Lecturer BUET
Spring 2011 (May - August) CSE 100S: Introduction to Computer Systems Lecturer BUET
Spring 2011 (May - August) CSE 106: Structured Programming Language Sessional Lecturer BUET
Spring 2011 (May - August) CSE 214: Assembly Language Programming Sessional Lecturer BUET